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Event recording: Navigating new mandates and streamlining sustainability reporting

January 4, 2024

Introducing Sustain.Life's updated reporting feature

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In 2024, the business world is bracing for a surge of new mandates and disclosure requirements. Despite the ongoing efforts to harmonize reporting frameworks, distinctions remain across the alphabet soup of voluntary and mandated sustainability reporting, presenting onerous obstacles for companies that span multiple jurisdictions and with varied investor or stakeholder pressures. These standards, often overlapping in their demand for similar metrics and narratives, underscore the urgent need for companies to streamline and synchronize their reporting and disclosure processes.

During our webinar, we’ll share a comprehensive overview of the evolving world of sustainability reporting. We will delve into the crucial importance and best practices in this field and offer insights from one of our partners utilizing our platform and hear their thoughts on our newly updated reporting feature that streamlines reporting across voluntary frameworks like CDP, TCFD, GRI, and now the EU’s mandated CSRD. Learn how our new feature integrates real-time data, harmonizes metrics, and optimizes reporting requirements, empowering companies to focus on strategy and implementation.

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At Sustain.Life, our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, objective, and research-based information to help readers make informed decisions. Written by practitioners and experts, articles are grounded in research and experience-based practices. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by our team of sustainability professionals to ensure content is accurate and aligns with current industry standards. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.
Sustain.Life Team
Sustain.Life’s teams of sustainability practitioners and experts often collaborate on articles, videos, and other content.
Sustain.Life Team
Sustain.Life’s teams of sustainability practitioners and experts often collaborate on articles, videos, and other content.
The takeaway

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