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Event recording: Getting a handle on sustainability reporting

September 27, 2023

Introducing Sustain.Life‘s new features that make emissions disclosures a breeze.

Getting a handle on sustainability reporting

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The alphabet soup of ESG disclosures continues to thicken. While the launch of ISSB disclosures S1 and S2 strive for a future of universal and uniform sustainability reporting, the fact remains: companies still feel pressure to disclose across multiple frameworks and mandates. With each standard often requiring similar metrics and narratives, the need to harmonize reporting and disclosure efforts is clear.

Sustain.Life’s team of climate and product experts walks through our new Sustainability Reporting features that align company data with the sustainability frameworks important to stakeholders. Our platform helps calculate and format your climate metrics across energy, emissions, intensities, and decarbonization targets for leading disclosures like CDP and TCFD (and more to come), which eases the reporting burden and harmonizes your data across frameworks. In a single click, you can export reports that orient your reported output with required disclosure indices (e.g., indicator ID, topic, etc.).

Whether you report across frameworks or focus on one, Sustain.Life ‘s carbon accounting platform delivers audit-grade sustainability outputs, saving you time and resources while ensuring accurate and comprehensive reporting.  

Future-proof your business by fighting climate change

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At Sustain.Life, our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, objective, and research-based information to help readers make informed decisions. Written by practitioners and experts, articles are grounded in research and experience-based practices. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by our team of sustainability professionals to ensure content is accurate and aligns with current industry standards. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.
Sustain.Life Team
Sustain.Life’s teams of sustainability practitioners and experts often collaborate on articles, videos, and other content.
Sustain.Life Team
Sustain.Life’s teams of sustainability practitioners and experts often collaborate on articles, videos, and other content.
The takeaway

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